SMNG currently operates two processing centers located in Murmansk and Gelendzhik equipped with the modern computer systems and capable of high quality 2D/3D offshore and onshore seismic data processing in the shortest order.
Computing capacities consist of multi-processor systems designed on the principle of scalability. Cluster technologies and network organization of the computing facilities enable to get a flexible distributed structure which can be easily upgraded and adjusted to current processing projects.
In processing we use software by Landmark, ProMAX /SeisSpace version 5000.10 and IST-3MP (Geophysical Data Systems Ltd.).
SMNG specialists carry out standard and advanced processing of 2D/3D seismic data of any volume and complexity:
- Data processing in time and depth domain;
- Data processing with preservation of amplitude ratio;
- Suppression of different noise events;
- Elimination of near-surface effects;
- Multiples elimination;
- Prestack time and depth migration;
- AVO analysis.
Processing being performed by SMNG is aimed to receive maximal time resolution, to increase signal/noise ratio and to define signal and velocity characteristics of the subsurface. Special attention is given to the elimination of near-surface effects.
Multiples attenuation is a very important stage of marine seismic data processing which is solved, depending on specific conditions, by the application of the main procedures such as surface-related multiple elimination (SRME), deconvolution in TaU-P domain and high-resolution Radon transformation (HR Radon). Combination of all applied algorithms of multiples elimination enables to get the optimal results.
In the presence of lateral velocity heterogeneity, earth image derived in time domain, is distorted. Correct imaging of the reflective surfaces can be provided by Pre Stack Depth Migration.
Processing sequence is being constantly improved honoring current objectives and new programs and technologies. SMNG specialists actively develop proper effective methods.
Using of modern processing technologies and quality of services has enabled us to carry out the most complex projects on processing of marine seismic data and the onshore-offshore data in transition zone, as the Russian Seas (the Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas, Ob and Taz Bays, Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea, the Azov-Black Sea Basin and the Caspian Sea) and worldwide (Shelf of Vietnam, India, Cuba and Venezuela). The operations were carried out both on the state order, and under the contracts with Russian (Rosshelf, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Sevmorneftegaz, Severneftegas, Arktikshelfneftegaz, Sintezneftegaz, Zarubezhneftegaz etc.) and foreign companies (Amoco, BHP, Hydro, Neste, BGR, , ExxonMobil, Total, BP, Shell, Statoil, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Naftogaz of Ukraine, Chernomorneftegaz and others).