All four research vessels of SMNG have successfully completed another field season in the Arctic.

The research vessel «Akademik Primakov» have acquired two 3D surveys totaling 3632 sq. km over adjacent blocks ahead of schedule in the Kara Sea. In June 2022, during the international economic forum in St. Petersburg, as a result of negotiations between the representatives of Rosgeo JSC and Gazprom Nedra LLC, it became possible to reach an agreement to carry out seismic operations in both license areas in one season. Meanwhile, «Akademik Lazarev» was involved in these surveys as a chase and support vessel. Currently, both vessels are staying in the port of Murmansk.

In early September, M/V «Akademik Nemchinov» completed 3,650 line kilometers of 2D seismic in the Laptev Sea under the State contract. Despite difficult ice conditions, the crew were able to perform the acquisition in the northern area on a larger scale than had been expected. This was achieved thanks to the precise and consistent planning of operations by the project managers, competent instructions and forecasts of ice conditions. Following the survey completion, the vessel arrived at the port of Sovetskaya Gavan for maintenance and arrangements due to be made for further projects in the Far East.

For the third consecutive year, the shallow-water vessel «Professor Ryabinkin» carried out undershooting as a source vessel in the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea in collaboration with JSC Yuzhmorgeologia. As part of the preparation for this survey, the source arrays were replaced and high-pressure compressors were serviced, which made it possible to complete the entire scope of the planned work without significant time losses. Owing to properly coordinated work of the crew and the office departments of JSC SMNG, such losses of time were minimized, even though adverse weather conditions persisted throughout the survey.